Thursday, March 24, 2011


The collection is well underway for Spr/Sum 2012 so after a day looking at fits and with the good weather a beer to 2 where enjoyed in the Jordaan.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fall/11 Shoot

With spring defiantly moving in we looked back to the last of those cold days before christmas when we shot the new Fall/11 look book. Was a great day with our friends, we had a load of snow so headed out into the Bos (forest) near Amsterdam, loading up the Jeep with coffee, croissants and all the kit to get some great shots - thanks to all - look book to follow. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New Style

As the Fall/Winter 2011 sales season draws to a close thanks to all for the hard work and thought we would share a bit of press coverage - more images to follow soon.

Monday, March 14, 2011


After a few days of checking in with our friends and colleagues in Japan we have found out all are safe and well along with their family and friends. Our thoughts go out to all people in Japan effected by the earthquake and to our friends we look forward to sharing those spiritual magic evenings fly fishing in the foot hills of mount Fuji in the near future - take care and stay safe through these times.