Sunday, July 10, 2011

Berlin SEEK - Sun, Shows, no Bears, so Beer and a bit of Raindeer

We’re back from 4 great days at SEEK in Berlin - a lot going on but a few things to mentioned with thanks to Oli for the great hospitality and another well organized show, Oskar (interesting raindeer snack), Anton and Pierre for the sanity among the madness and the great new Denim Demon collection, Dylan for the insanity, Marc, Patrik, Fred, Adrian, Jacob and crew, David, Claudio and Fredrik (let me know the jacket and will make it) as well as all the others - too many to mentioned who came and saw the collection, cheers for the positive comments and look forward to the new season.
Although busy days, the evenings were busier with some sporting observations over a glass of Pimms, with the likes of High Snobiety, Tenue de Nimes and Patta at Jacked in Berlin event by Conversesome visits to Dutch Denim Diner (nice pop up restaurant - nice one ...,staat and Cafe George). Finally on Saturday we managed to get a few hours shopping at our favorite shops Burg and Schield, Pointer pop-up, Stab, WoodWood and of course we stuck our heads into 14oz to check out the denim. Thanks to Berlin for a great few days check the hipstamatic mayhem below.